3D COM EDU Ecosystem can be used by children and students from kindergartens to universities, but also by employees of state administration and commercial entities.
3D COM EDU Ecosystem can be used by children and students from kindergartens to universities, but also by employees of state administration and commercial entities.
Learn with emotion and understand the curriculum once and for all.
In a few minutes, the teacher can create a virtual classroom or choose one of model classrooms and manage the course of the lesson. It is possible to place 3D models, videos, audio files, WEB pages, textbooks and tests in the classroom. A total of more than 20,000 FBX models are currently available on the system. The teacher can create textbooks and tests as needed with a simple and intuitive way. In tests, a student can answer questions, answer by picture or video, or perform a prescribed action with a 3D model. The creation of lessons and content environments is provided by the 3D teacher module. At the same time, it attaches the rights of access for users to created parts. The created lesson and the environment for it are stored in the content database, which is then accessible to the 3D student module. The program also includes access to a statistical model for automatic evaluation of various activities of students and the system.
3D COM EDU‘s virtual classroom is a great enrichment of traditional teaching. It offers a whole new perspective on the learning process and fundamentally expands the possibilities of presenting knowledge. Students in the classroom penetrate the three-dimensional models of machinery, equipment and organisms in an attractive but intuitive way, revealing their essence and the principle of their operation. During the lesson, students get to know virtual models, touch them and move around the virtual room as if they were physically present in the classroom. In doing so, they can rotate, zoom in and out as needed.
40 lessons
25 lessons
10 lessons
40 lessons
40 lessons
40 lessons
40 lessons
40 lessons
40 lessons
22 lessons
25 lessons
40 lessons
After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden at once, but, alas for poor Alice. When she got to the door, she found she had forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back.
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