
Our company WR DATA is passionately digitizing culture heritage, safeguarding historical treasures from neglect. Our diligent teams create valuable, lifelike memories for the future.

Digitization process

Analysis &planning

Here we analyze and make insights of all objects picked
for digitization. We also categorize all the objects
and make gantt charts to track progress.

Digitization &data capture

Process of traveling, configuration of digitization
technologies, data
capture through imaging, scanning and postproduction.

Catalogization & verification

Here we name all object with unique identifiers, OR
or RFID codes. Al digitized outputs are also quality
verified and catalogized on cloud service.

Presentation &implementation

In this phase we prepare objects for webpresentation
on webportal for marketing purposes of project. We also
create and customize DMS functions for our clients.

Marketing launch & tracking

In this phase we prepare marketingcommunication
strategy through online, TV and print communication
channels. After campaign launch we track its data and success.

Digitalization - IT, EdTech and Digitization