
Our company STTA is passionately digitizing culture heritage, safeguarding historical treasures from neglect. Our diligent teams create valuable, lifelike memories for the future.

For centuries, cultural heritage objects such as books, paintings, sculptures, and archaeological artifacts have been physically safeguarded in libraries, museums, galleries, and historic buildings. However, history has shown that physical protection is not always enough to prevent the loss or destruction of these objects. The great fire that consumed thousands of ancient texts in the Alexandrian library, the Colossus of Rhodes destroyed by an earthquake, and countless other heritage objects lost or damaged in conflicts are just a few examples. Unfortunately, the risk of losing cultural heritage is not only limited to the past. In recent years, hundreds of monuments were destroyed during war conflicts, thousands of exhibits were lost in the National Museum fire in Rio de Janeiro, natural disasters like the Kathmandu Valley earthquake in 2015 and Notre-Dame in 2019 caused significant damage to cultural heritage sites. Advanced technologies that can digitize images of these objects, ensuring their preservation for future generations. Digitization can not only offer illustrative presentations in the form of augmented and virtual reality, but it can also be used to restore and reconstruct endangered heritage buildings. This gives us hope that even in the face of natural disasters or conflict, we can still safeguard and celebrate our cultural heritage.

Digitization of Culture heritage

Digitization process

Analysis & Planning

Here we analyze and make insights of all objects picked
for digitization. We also categorize all the objects
and make gantt charts to track progress.

Digitization & Data capture

Process of traveling, configuration of digitization
technologies, data
capture through imaging, scanning and postproduction.

Catalogization & Verification

Here we name all object with unique identifiers, OR
or RFID codes. Al digitized outputs are also quality
verified and catalogized on cloud service.

Presentation & Implementation

In this phase we prepare objects for webpresentation
on webportal for marketing purposes of project. We also
create and customize DMS functions for our clients.

Marketing launch & Tracking

In this phase we prepare marketingcommunication
strategy through online, TV and print communication
channels. After campaign launch we track its data and success.


Vision Web-Portal

Vision Web-Portal + Vision mobile app

Catalogization and Presentation of Digitization

After creating and postprocessing all digitization outputs, we place all of them to web-based portal. Here you can access all the files with their description and names.

This way you can create your online national museum.

Reasonable costs

Low initial and maintenance costs

Unlimited content

Supports various 3D, 2D, text formats and metadata.

It’s Fast and offers Customization

Optimized for all digital contents to browse them online


We can also import all the digitization files to the portal verify them and create descriptive metadata.

Digitization | IT, EdTech and Digitization